London Real Broadcast Yourself Course Review

Amalia Cardenas
3 min readNov 21, 2020


Before taking the London Real broadcast yourself course I started a youtube channel that got over 13,000 views. Even though there were dozens of supportive comments from people, I could not move past my own resistance and I stopped producing content after only three videos. I knew that I was helping people and I enjoyed creating the videos, but the fear of what others would say sadly overcame me and I stopped.

Moving past fear

During the first week of the course, we had to create a video that we published on our Facebook walls letting our friends and family know that we were going to be creating a podcast in 8 weeks. I almost quit the course at this point. My biggest fear was letting others know about my work, and within the first week, I had to do exactly the thing I feared the most.

I re-recorded that first video 3 times. The lighting was awful, the audio was equally terrible, but I pushed through the fear and published the video. This small act was a major breakthrough for me. Each subsequent week we had to submit more vlogs of our progress for the week, and each week the act of publishing became easier.

You need systems

It is super simple to create a podcast. Anyone can have a podcast up and running within a few hours. In fact there are a ton of great tutorials on youtube to help you through the technical process. For me what made this course stand out was the systems we learned to create a podcast that withstands the test of time.

As a result of the course, I now know that I need to be in constant communication with my audience to understand the type of content that is relevant to them. I have created systems to make sure I have a constant stream of guests to interview. My interviews now have structure that allows me to learn the most from each guest. And I understand how to share my content so that it reaches a wider audience. But for me the most important thing that I learned in these 8 weeks was to push through the resistance.

Pushing through resistance is a skill

I am still not 100% confident in front of a camera. I know that my interviewing skills still need to be polished, and that I am not the most articulate person when I am in front of an audience. I still face resistance when I am about to conduct an interview, publish episodes, or share what I have created with my network. But what has changed is that I now understand that moving past this fear is a skill that I can practice. I now know that the more I publish, the easier things will become. This is a lesson I can apply not only to podcasting, but to other areas of my life.

Life changing conversations

The course is about to come to an end and I am happy to report that my podcast Anybodycancode is live on all of the major podcasting platforms such as apple podcasts, spotify, and google podcasts. I am super proud that I have completed 7 episodes and that my calendar is booked with guests until the end of the year.

Withstanding the test of time

Creating a podcast does take time, and it is a lot of work. However it is magical. I am only 7 episodes in and have already had life changing conversations that have made me see things in a new light. I was not expecting to launch a podcast in 2020, but I am glad that I took this course and that something that I had hoped to accomplish has actually materialized.



Amalia Cardenas

Diversity in tech enthusiast. Founder of Podcasting at anybodycancode. Organizer of @codebarBCN